Interfaith Forum Promotes Understanding and Peace

The Church of Scientology Los Angeles is hosting a series of events to increase understanding and cooperation among local religious communities.

Panel of religious leaders representing religions born in the Americas
Panel of religious leaders representing religions born in the Americas at an interfaith forum at the Church of Scientology Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is among the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Residents hail from some 140 countries and speak roughly 86 languages. These interfaith programs seek to protect the freedom of religion or belief by bridging differences, dispelling common misconceptions, and creating greater understanding, appreciation and cooperation among the city’s many faiths.

The first in this year’s series of events featured faiths born in the Americas: Aztec religion, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Church of Scientology, the Agape Church and Christian Science. Traditional Aztec dancers began the program by blessing the Church and those attending.

This marks the fourth year of interfaith forums presented by the Church. The series continues over the coming weeks:

Part 2: Saturday, 8 September: Middle-Eastern Religions—Islam, Bahá'í, Judaism, Zoroastrianism

Part 3: Saturday, 14 September: European Religions—the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, Wicca, the Presbyterian Church, the Lutheran Church

Part 4: Saturday, 21 September: Eastern Religions—Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Falon Gong, the Unification Church, Jainism

The program culminates Sunday, September 22, with an interfaith solidarity march.

Church of Scientology Interfaith Forum Los Angeles